Sunday, June 27, 2010

Comments for Kids 2

one tree hill aukland

Here is a copy of my comments made on Miss Walters class at Pt. England.The class had written sentence about their trip to Maungakiekie. It is a volcano that is over twenty thousand years old. It is also called One Tree Hill. This point of interest is part of Auckland's rich history. You can see the class blog page
It is great how Miss Walters encourages your class to express yourselves. It sounds like your class had a lot of fun and exercise. You must have learned some interesting facts about volcanoes. Isn't amazing how volcanoes have shaped our world? Did your class also learn about the history of One Tree Hill?

Let me introduce myself to your class. My name is Melissa Jones and I am a student at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, AL. I am enrolled in a class called EDM 310 and have been assigned to read this post. I will be posting my comment on my blog page.Thanks for sharing your class experiences on the web. I am an elementary education major and is always helpful to see what other schools are doing. My ten year old daughter also had a chance to look at some of the posts also and thinks it is neat what the students are doing. Keep up the good work!

JUNE 28, 2010 12:46 PM

1 comment:

  1. Melissa,

    I think it is so cool and advantageous for you and your daughter that you are sharing your homework with her. I a glad you get to see the value of blogging by seeing the expression on your own daughters face when she sees what school could be like. In fact, what did she think of everything? Maybe you should show her some stuff, and interview her for a possible final project!?
