Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I can't say that my PLN is complete, but for class purposes it is completed. My PLN will continue to grow and change as time goes by. I started using to compile some of my most visited web pages. I have sites such as Teacher Tube,, and other sites that will give me ideas about teaching. I started using Twitter. I actually just typed in education in the search bar and I came up with some good contacts. I haven't really tweeted much, but the tweets of the people I have been following have been quite helpful. They have redirected me to their own blog pages. I joined a Ning group for elementary teachers. I haven't been to active with that yet. Thanks to our assignment of watching the video on the student's PLE, I started using Symbaloo. I have it separated by Rss Feeds, news, education sites by subject, blog sites, and personal use. I like how Symbaloo is set up by icons, I can just click on wherever I want to go. I also can add buttons anytime also. Last but not least, I will be keeping up with many of the blog pages that we have been assigned to this semester. I definitely will be following Mr. McClung and keeping up with some of the schools to see what the rest of the world is doing in education. Like I said earlier my PLN is only complete for assignment purposes, this will be something I will continue. I am glad we were assigned to create a PLN. I know now I can't just learn everything from a book.

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