Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Blog Post #6

laptop computer and globe

Richard Miller: This Is How We Dream Parts 1 and 2

I was impressed with this video. I liked the fact that Miller explained how he grew up and was taught with books. He shows that he didn't try to stick to the old way of learning. He actually learned and adapted with the times. He isn't afraid of change. I believe that is how all teachers should be like this. They are responsible for educating the future adults.

I like the way that Miller shows how the web can be used for sources of information or supplementary material for writing. It allows a writer to use a little more creativity and use tools to keep a reader's attention. Sometimes just reading words can be a little dry, but having a video, audio, or some type of visual adds interest.

Isn't it amazing how we were able to keep up with the presidential election this time? No more waiting on a news report. We are able to receive and send information almost instantly now. This is a great way for the world to communicate with each other. We can share ideas to a larger population. The possibilities are endless with technology.

The Networked Student by Wendy Drexler

Very interesting video. I actually was in a stand still in creating my own PLN and this video gave me some answers. This video also enforced the importance of creating a PLN. There is so much information that can be learned from others on the web, but at the same time we have to make sure our sources are valid.

I always had the questioned what the role of the teacher would be of a networked student. Now I have my answer. It is good to know that the teacher is still needed in a valuable way. Also, I think it is good to have students to be more engaged in their learning. I think what a student learns this way will stick more with them than memorizing out of a book. I admit when I took psychology and sociology classes, I just memorized facts jut to pass the class. I can honestly say that I really don't remember much about those subjects at all.

Unfortunately, I have to admit that I have been accustomed to having an actual teacher in front of me. The transition for me to an network only class is a little scary, but I am sure I can adjust to it. Thanks to this class, I am starting to get more out of the web than I ever had.

The Machine is (Changing)Us: YouTube and the Politics of Authenticity

This was a very interesting movie. I think it is interesting how the meaning of whatever has changed over the years. Wesch used some very funny examples.The change of the definition showed how people changed the way that they viewed themselves. Over time people have been more concerned about themselves instead of others.

I never really looked at YouTube as a way of collaborating with others in a constructive way. I have been so accustomed to using it for entertainment purposes, either a friend would send me a link or someone would post a link on Facebook. Yes, there is a lot of nonsense on there, but people can connect with people that they normally wouldn't under normal circumstances. You can watch a video of someone across the world and you can leave comments for them to read. I think that is a good thing. If you have a certain view or position about a subject, you can make a video and make it known to others. This may draw other people with your same views to you and who knows where you can go with that.

I related to the part on this video where people were beginning to use YouTube. I still feel a little foolish in front of the camera. I look back at videos and ask my self is that what I look like or is that what I sound like. I guess it just takes time to get used to being in front of a camera. It is true that you feel like you are talking to a camera and not to an actual person. That's what makes it a little easier.


  1. Hi Melissa,
    I definitely agree with you, using youtube, making movies, and being in front of the camera are still very awkward for me but I am slowly learning and it's getting easier. I can't say that I really enjoy being in front of the camera though =)

  2. We are all learners. We are living in a new world. Can we replace teaching with guiding and mentoring? I think so. I think you think so as well.

    Well reasoned and presented.
