Sunday, June 13, 2010

Post 3

Education Poster

Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff.Please? by Scott McLeod
Very cute, but effective poem. It's funny how we have all heard those excuses not to let children use computers.Why not teach children to use computers responsibly and in a useful way. I think the classroom is the best place for that. I think anyone can find trouble without a computer. We don't live in a perfect society and never have.
I found out from Scott McLeod's bio that he is well known for his expertise in education technology for school administration. He is also the director at our nation's only academic center dedicated to the technology needs of school administrators called UCEA Center for the Advanced Study of Technology Leadership in Education (CASTLE. I find it sad that our country only has one center like this.

The iSchool Initiative
This student does have some good ideas. A student could access books and many applications from one place. There would not be any need for the typical school supplies such as paper, pencils, books, and calculators. Schools would be environmentally friendly. Parents could access their child's progress at any time. The main point to this iSchool Initiative is to save the schools money so that they do not have to make cuts that will negatively affect the students.

I agree with some of the ideas of the iSchool Initiative, but I have some objections. I did read a viewer's comment on the You Tube that mentioned going with a bigger device. I agree with that because it would be pretty aggravating to do all that work on such a small device. I did see a response to the comment that they changed their efforts to the iPad. Also, I don't think we should be solely dependent on one device to educate students. I think it would get boring for students to constantly use just one device to do all their work on. This video didn't address what the classroom environment would be like. Would there be any need for a student to even go to an actual campus for school? Would this idea actually save teachers' jobs or would more teachers be out of work. Also, how would our schools transition into this? I have too many questions and concerns to even say that I am for this initiative.

Watch The Lost Generation

At first, I thought what a grim depiction of the future, but then when the narrator started to read everything in the reverse direction it was the exact opposite of the earlier statements. I think this short movie shows us that we have control over our future. It is up to us to have values and make the right choices that will affect us and our future generation. Yes, if we just sit back and watch we may have a lost generation.

Eric Whitaker's Virtual Choir

This was a beautiful piece. I was amazed by this. I never realized a whole choir ensemble could be put together like this and so good. It's kind of funny we were assigned to watch this video because I was questioning can we use technology in performing arts without taking away from the experience. Well I think I have my answer.


  1. Good post Melissa. I like the way you looked into Scott McLeod and read some of the comments on the ischool video.

    I agree with what you said about the Lost Generation video. The biggest consequence of not having any morals or values is the lack of concern for others and the inability to think outside of one's self. Just another example of the breadth and depth of the old saying, "Together we stand, divided we fall".

    Your blog looks great. Keep up the good work Melissa. SS

  2. I am not a fan of the iSchool Initative. I feel this kid is idealistic, not realistic. Like I said in my post, “You never put your eggs in one basket”. Technology is an incredible tool, but it needs to be an assistant to students, not their “everything”.
